mann let me take a minute to speak on the subject "karma" again - it is a bitch. & if you think you can avoid it; baby you have another thing coming. what is done in the dark ALWAYS comes to the light homie - ALWAYS! now i see why you didnt want me and certain people becoming friends again! makes sense now! you aint nothing but a HOE and a TRICK and best believe you always going to be a miserable FUCK cus you go beyond and above to manipulate people and hurt the ones you PRETEND to care about. the people who are true and loyal in life will always come out on top; so meanwhile while i am getting my shit together why dont you stay the fuck out of my life and away from my friends and take care of that burning ass dick you got trick. cus like i said; karma is a bitch... in the meantime imma sit back and laugh at ya bitch ass.. hahahahaha.
disclaimer: okay i had to go back and add this; as much as i hate you ; at the same time i feel sorry for you. you will never have shit in life being a hateful bastard and the way you are. and i pray God has mercy on your soul on judgement day becus nothing good comes from evil - remember that and i seriously hope you change your ways before its too late in life.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
i am def losin it right now..
i'm lost on a road; don't know which way to go
i'm losing my mind; losing control of the wheel
and i'm swerving; on and off the road
i'm lost on a road; but survival is a must
don't know who I can trust; i'm livin in a rush
i don't understand the fuss; my brain is bout to bust
i think i'm losin it; i might be losin it
i just might lose; am I losin my mind?
and i'm so confused i don't know what to do
and i need a clue before i run out of time
am i losin it?; am i losin it?
i think i'm losin; i'm losin my mind
am i losin it?; am i losin it?
i think i'm losin; i'm losin my mind
yupp.. this sums up my life right now..
so proud!!!
Truthworthiness - Caring - Respect

so my lil shawty got selected to receive the "Peacebuilder/Character of the Month" award for displaying good behavior and effort in class. Go Bryson! :)
& boyy o boy does "character" define him! when his name got announced EVERYONE started cheering so loud and he was running thru giving everyone high fives! you wouldve thought he was @ the hip hop awards or something haha. even the announcer was like "wow bryson has a big fan club" lol
Thursday, February 26, 2009
doesnt even touch the rim.. maybe labron will bring it for the '10 allstar game slam dunk contest if he pullin out tricks like this..
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
hiatus; BBL.
Today; no wait.. scratch that.. this week; okay wait.. these past few weeks have been pretty bad for me. I have been going thru a lot emotionally and today just topped the icing on the cake.
On that note; i am taking a break to find myself; BBL. :(
Monday, February 23, 2009
my followers ; ♥
Just wanted to take a moment out and say 'THANK YOU' to everyone who follows my blog and actually keeps up with it! Your daily comments and posts keep me going thru my day! :) Life has been crazy lately so sometimes I fall off and am not able to stay consistent on commenting on your blogs but I do always go back and read them and catch up and comment when I have the time.
You're comments and input means a lot to me and I take each one to heart!
For some reason I lost like 6 followers from last night to this morning.. humm ; well they are obviously lame hehe. :p but when I saw that it made me wanna take the time out to say thank you and i love ya guys!! My blogger fam is the shxxnit!!
pS. make sure to check out my favs on the left!! they rock - i will be updating it later too!
02-23 Thought For The Day:
Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
UNT!TLED; life.
So life has been very confusing; yet good lately. I've been going thru so many changes and becoming a different person in so many ways. But I believe its all for the best. I am growing into a better, more spiritual woman. I have lost some friends ; but gained some wonderful ones as well. ((Shouts out to my new bff; athena christine - hehe))
Thinking about my thought for today really got me thinking. I truly believe some people are brought into your life for a reason, where others are merely there for a season. And there are def a few people I want to remain for a lifetime. I do not regret knowing any of the people I have met along my journey in life. I have gained and learned something with each experience. But sometimes we "outgrow" each other or the friendship ((or relationship for some of you guys)). There has to be a time in everyones life where you have to evaluate the situation and realize when to let go; or when to hold on tighter. Some people I have decided to let go in my life and after a deep meaningful conversation I had last night; I realized sometimes I need to hold on a little tighter and despite what I may be going thru make sure people never feel unappreciated. I would never want to loose someone I love or care about because I was too caught up in elimating the negative in my life; I forgot to stop and take time to appreciate the positive that still remains.
In the past year I have gone thru so much. I left all my friends and family back home to start a new life. A new family. It's such a scary thought when you think about it. I have accomplished more in the past year then some people do in a lifetime. I am proud for that. But sometimes I doubt myself. I forget to look at all that I have accomplished and worry about what I have not. I am my own worst critic. I miss everyone back home very much; but I feel I was brought here for a reason and despite some of the downfalls I have occured while out here; I wouldnt change it cus it only brought me closer to the people I love and the people who need to be in my life.
With all this being said I just wanted to say thank you for believing in me even when I forget to believe in myself and never giving up on me. I know I am not always the nicest person in the world (hummm.. okk we all know I dominate the "bitch" status majority of the time) but deep down I do have one of the most loving & giving hearts out there. God has brought you in my life for a reason; and for those of you who have stood thru the rain with me thru it all - I will never forget that. And for those of you who ran when shxt didn't go your way? I am still happy you were apart of my life for that season. I am the person I am today because of each and every one of you.
Til next time.. x0x0.
02-19 Thought For The Day:
God doesn't give you the people you want, He gives you the people you NEED. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you and to make you into the person you were meant to be.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
02-17 Thought For The Day:
The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too late to become what you might have been.
Friday, February 13, 2009
blogger frenns & fam:

Thursday, February 12, 2009
02-12 Thought For The Day:
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
it's finally here!
Helly Kitty for MAC Collection is finally released and on sale as of TODAY! Yay!!! I know many ladies who have been long awaiting this release; and it is finally here! I love the ads and the whole fetish look they are going for with this collection! I will def be at the MAC store as soon as I leave work today!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
02-10 Thought For The Day:
Don't be afraid of death. Be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever; you just have to live.
this thurs @ belo; JIM JONES
Monday, February 9, 2009
02-09 Thought For The Day:
True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross.
Friday, February 6, 2009
4th of July Weekend in Cali...
Hola my blogger fam!! So I'm spreading the word thanks to Omie w/PlanetMarz ((check him out here;)), Ashley ((check her out here;)) & Ana aka JuiicyKisz ((check her out here;)) -- they are planning to come out here to Cali this summer; I know PlanetMarz will be out here for the week of July 4th & me nd Ana are still workin out the details of her trip; but prob abt the same time..
With that being said; who else is down to come party with us Cali style?? We are thinking a big get together for the Fourth of July! & all my Cali peps; where ya at?? Let's show everyone how we get down out here.. let me know!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
02-05 Thought For The Day:
Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it's troubles; it empties today of it's strength.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
my apologies!!!
which leads me to say "IM SORRY!" cus i haven't been able to really check out everyone's blog's and leave comments but i will catch up as soon as i can and i love all you guyzz nd galz!!!
my blogger fam is the issh!! psshh; yay!! :)
2-04 Thought For The Day:
Life is a journey from one point to another. You know where you will end up, but you don't know what route will get you there.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Free Movie Screening; Pink Panther 2

When legendary treasures from around the world are stolen, including the priceless Pink Panther Diamond, Chief Inspector Dreyfus is forced to assign intrepid-if-bumbling French police detective Jacques Clouseau to a team of international detectives and experts charged with catching the thief and retrieving the stolen artifacts.
Check out the trailer here;
Tuesday, February 3rd @ 7:00 pm
02-03 Thought For The Day:
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.
Monday, February 2, 2009
update; "hate".
Hola my lovely blogger fam!! :) i just wanted to give everyone an update on my post "hate" and wanted to say thank you to everyone for expressing your opinions; i know i didn't comment back on everyone like i usually do; i jes needed some time to reflect - but i read each reply and took it to heart and let it marinate.. everyone's reply meant something to me and i took each and every thought into consideration.. i think dauche's reply hit me the hardest cus it was so true. its like you build up this frustration, have to vent and let it out.. then you jes dont care anymore. so i am FINALLY; praise the Lord; to that point! Yay for JuJu!! =]i am doing MUUUCCHH better than when i posted this blog previously ((notice; I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW is no longer the leading song playing haha)) There is no more hate in this chica's heart; only love.. hehe. I had such a WONDERFUL weekend this past weekend. it was stress free; drama free; and jes carefree.
Thank you to everyone who made it ooo so special ;)
saturday night w/the ladies of a07 :)
always love a night out wit the fam; this time it was ladies only.. was def a fun interesting night.. haha.. here are a few pics.. the rest are uploaded to my myspace here;
02-02 Thought For The Day:
"why do we love love; when love seems to hate us?"
((Jazmine Sullivan; Lions, Tigers & Bears))
Sunday, February 1, 2009
so now follow me :) hehehe.
MZJUJUB or click here; i also added the widget to the left for your convienence.. ;)
JWORK; woman of the week:
check me out here; and leave comments and show me some love!! :)
blocking all comments for this post; show love on my boy's page..
thank you everyone nd much love!!! x0x0.