only for the close friends & fam tho..
a woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong she is until you put her in hot water.
dear you;
so it's been exactly 14 days since we last met. i used to think i had to have you in my world every day. your toxins were vital to my daily existence. i thought you made me a better person. carefree; didn't give a fxck and took away all my problems whenever we were together.
but i was wrong. you took me to the lowest point i have ever experienced in my life. made me wanna give up on everything i had ever hoped and dreamed for. i had to sit back and evaluate the pros vs. cons with our relationship. lately the bad had def outweighed the good.
so i had to let you go. will you ever return? maybe one day. maybe not. but never will i let you control my world, my mind, my thoughts, my actions, my beliefs again. you had took over my entire night life and made me a different person. for the better i thought; but boy was i wrong.
i hit rock bottom after our last encounter and wasnt sure how to get up and recover from such an abusive relationship. but i have decided to get up and pick up the pieces where we had left off; dusting myself off as i become a better, stronger, wiser person since our last encounter.
due to the events that occurred because of our relationship; it def caused me to open my eyes. appreciate life. never take things for granted. as bad as you think things may be; they can always become worse - and you made me see that. so for that; i do thank you.
Until we meet again, x0x0.
((pS. for those who don't know this letter is to my dear former friend "alcohol"))
Forgive everyone for everything. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone or holding grudges.
one of my favorite forwards; thought i would share :)
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for. (yessir)
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. (awe, really?)
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. (haha i agree)
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. (smiles are contagious!)
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. (hope he does!)
6. You mean the world to someone. (and they mean the world to ME!)
7. You are special and unique. (psssh; duh!)
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you. (humm, idk abt that.. lol)
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it. (despite all the negative from my wreck, it brought me and my baby closer together!)
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look. (learned this the hard way)
11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. (amen!)
okay i've been a lil late on listening to this; as you all know my life has been stupid crazy lately -- but i made sure to take the time out this morning and listen to his mixtape.
so imma b honest when i first downloaded it i honestly expected him to sound like every other rapper out right now with their own lil twist. but after listening to a few tracks; i do say I WAS IMPRESSED!!!
Now that I have gone thru and listenend to the whole mixtape; I got it on repeat on my iTunes. This is def some shzt I would cop and jamm to on a regular. And so should you!! If you haven't listened to it; you are hella late and should download it; let me kno what ya think!
"Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres".
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
so me and dauche have decided to start a book club :) yay!!!
the first book we are going to start on is "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man" by Steve Harvey.
we will have more information to follow soon but wanted to see who was interested? for those of you in the area, we will get together after reading the book - discuss it; what did we like, didnt like, etc.. and those who are our long distant bloggers we will prob do a recap on blogger; then choose another book.
it should be fun and will def bring us girls together!
so who's down?? feel free to hit up me or dauche for more information in the meantime!
**pS - the book club is open to EVERYONE even if you aren't in the area; we decided we are gonna vlog about the books and meetings to keep everyone updated and informed and then for the ones who can't make meetings just post an update on your blog with your views and expressions regarding the book on your blog page! :)
so i got on my knees and prayed ; and asked the lord why was i still here?!
... then my son knocked on the door asking was i okay
so i got on my knees and prayed ; and asked the lord for a second chance..
... then i was reminded that i was given that chance when i survived the car accident
so i got on my knees and prayed ; and asked the lord to help save my family..
... then i was reminded today and given the signs i needed regarding that
so i got on my knees and prayed ; and asked the lord to bless me w/true genuine friends..
... then i realized the bad ones had already weeded themselves out while the good ones stuck around when i needed them the most
so i got on my knees and prayed ; and asked the lord if i was meant to stay here or to go back home..
... then i was offered a wonderful job opportunity today
so i got on my knees and prayed ; and asked the lord for guidance & forgiveness..
... then i woke up and everything seemed clear again, no more tears & no more fear
Having a place to go - is a home; having someone to love - is a family.
keep whatever you THINK or have to say about me to your damn self. if you dont know the fuckin facts of what happened please save yourself from looking stupid and shut the fuck up and dont discuss my business with other people. you were NOT THERE when i got into my accident and therefore do NOT know what happened. only TWO people know exactly what happened; and i gaurantee YOU are not one of them. those two people are the ONLY two people who have been there for me thru it all. So please spare yourself the drama and looking like a child and do not text ME, BRIAN, or any of my other friends about what has gone on. If anyone would like to know, come to me yourself & maybe I will tell you - don't ask others cus I promise they don't know the facts. And for you childish female[s], get a life, your own friends and grow the fuck up.
omfg; if it isnt one thing - it is another!!! so yesterday i hit my ultimate low. i was in a car wreck and totalled my car. after the accident i called a friend to come get me. well instead of coming to get me she decides to call the police on me and i get to spend the night in jail. now after $1000 spent; i still have no car and now nothing. my life is a disaster. stay away from me. nothing good comes from me; i am useless in life. one of the true friends i thought i had and would always be there hurt me more than anything. i counted on her to be there for me; instead she throws my ass in jail. thanks ma; appreciate that.
on that note; i give up. every time i think things are going to turn around for me - i get hit harder. i have hit rock bottom now and don't know how to pick up the pieces and move on. why couldnt i have just died in the car accident? that's what i deserve. i have no purpose in life. no love. no friends. i have nobody or nothing and my son deserves so much more than me.
i am supposed to have an interview tomorrow. a wonderful job opportunity. i dont even know if i can go tho. i am a wreck. i have no car, no way to get here - nobody to watch bryson so i can go. i was supposed to wear a suit and was going to go buy one today. after me and my son walking around in this aweful heat all day trying to find a store to get something at and a few items of makeup (mind you; all of that was in my car) i had no luck. i give up. my arm hurts, my head hurts, the whole right side of my body aches and is bruised in parts. i dont know how to pick up the pieces of this and move on.
i do want to thank you brian for being the one person i could count on to come and get me and making sure i am okay. i know you hate me and i am a disappointment in life; but when i needed you yesterday as easy as it would have been for you to turn your back on me you didnt. you let me cry, vent, yell, sleep - everything i needed yesterday.
on a final note; i give up in life. i have tried and tried and tried. everything i love hates me. i cant do it anymore. im sorry.
so i have been MIA lately; and kinda plan to continue to do that - those who know me well know what's going on.. things are looking up; i believe April is the start of a lot of new beginnings for me (thx Stef muahhh) i will be moving soon.. hopefully by this summer if everything continues to go as planned! woot woot. on a sad note; remember a few weeks ago when i mentioned hurting my ankle; well i spent the day @ the hospital getting xray'd and wrapped up - looks like i may have actually fractured my ankle! the dr says no heels or cute shoes for like 2months or imma end up breaking it; sssmmhhhhh - that's a chance i just may have to take! hahahhaa
anyways... just wanted to catch yal up briefly - im still on hiatus status for the most part; but i am alive hehe ;) chow!!!!