Thursday, April 2, 2009

update on Ju ♥

so i have been MIA lately; and kinda plan to continue to do that - those who know me well know what's going on.. things are looking up; i believe April is the start of a lot of new beginnings for me (thx Stef muahhh) i will be moving soon.. hopefully by this summer if everything continues to go as planned! woot woot. on a sad note; remember a few weeks ago when i mentioned hurting my ankle; well i spent the day @ the hospital getting xray'd and wrapped up - looks like i may have actually fractured my ankle! the dr says no heels or cute shoes for like 2months or imma end up breaking it; sssmmhhhhh - that's a chance i just may have to take! hahahhaa
anyways... just wanted to catch yal up briefly - im still on hiatus status for the most part; but i am alive hehe ;) chow!!!!


Jillian said...

glad to know you are making moves...where moving to? :)

keep doing you and good luck with everything! know you are missed ;)

Athena Christine said...

i told your ass to get a xray the next day but you wanted to be stubborn. lol. ;] your lucky your my bff

Miss.Stefanie said...

I diagnosed you! HAHAHA


Milly said...

Glad your doing your thang
Stay blessed Juju :)

Ran said...

Hey love!!! Glad to hear your doing well!! Ive been MIA on here myself!!

I hope that god cotinues to wrap his arms around you and get you back to where you want to be!

good luck with the move!! I know how stressful and crazy that is!!! Im going through it myself!!;op

And be careful on that ankle on that with those heels!!!lol Quiet as kept thought depending on where the fracture is, having on heels can actually support it just like a brace or one of those medical boots!!!;o)

Hugs & Kisses Momma!!!

A said...

I'm glad to hear that things are getting better, keep your head up. I hope your ankle feels better soon! ;)

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