Saturday, September 27, 2008


I'm sorry I was never GOOD enough..

I'm sorry my waist line was never SLIM enough..

I'm sorry you felt I couldn't handle my emotions WELL enough..

I'm sorry my bank account wasn't BIG enough..

I'm sorry you felt loving you with my all wasn't STRONG enough..

I'm sorry me valueing friendships nd fam made you feel you'd HAD enough..

I'm sorry you didn't believe "To Love and Honor" MEANT enough..

I'm sorry "til death do us part" wasn't LONG enough..

I'm sorry I wasn't PRETTY enough..

I'm sorry me holdin you accountable for your words WASN'T enough..

I'm sorry you believe that having only your boys is JUST enough..

I'm sorry but for your games I wasn't DUMB enough..

I'm sorry I felt I tried MORE than enough..

I'm sorry my ALL wasn't ALL enough..

But as I lay here, my pillow drenched in tears.. I have finally decided ENOUGH is enough..


gabriela said...

couldn't have said it better myself.loveit.

Anonymous said...

Is something going on?
See not keeping me updated =( MISS YOU!!

Anonymous said...

uh oh...................

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