Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2blessed 2b Stressed

-sigh- okay so friday on i was hit like boom, boom, bang - just one thing after another.. friday bs at my job and that ended up being my last day - saturday me & bryson went for a hike that morning and i ended up stepping on a rock the wrong way when we were running down the mountain and fell and had to go to the ER :( sucked. spent the whole day there getting xrays and getting checked out ; thankfully just left in crutches with a bad ankle sprain.. but man that was a tuff day. sunday spend the day relaxing.. letting my mind soak up all the events that had just occured and getting prepared to take the world head on Monday morning ((& tryna fig out how i was going to complete my public work service in crutches - yikes)). Showed up that next morning tryna handle that and got sent away. Had to get some medical forms filled out and ended up getting put on medical light duty. Which works for me! Went back today to complete that day - and it was gravy baby! No complaints.. and 2mrw is my last day!!! Thank you Jesus! Never thought I would make it, slowly but surely I am!

BUT the best news EVER came today!!! Got an email from my grandma - and they got the results of her PETscan today and guess whhhaaaatt:


Mann God is so good! Wasn't too long ago they weren't even sure she was going to make it - and now she beat it, all of it!!! I am so proud of her! Never once did she give up.. she said she felt like God wasn't done with her yet and she was holding on and would beat this.. and she did. This was probably the best news I could have received. Ugh - I cried & cried and prayed & prayed about this, even my loved ones prayed about this.. and I tell ya what, the power of prayer is a wonderful thing!!

Despite all the bullshit that happened the past few days, you can't steal my shine right now. I am glowing for the world to see! 2010 WILL be a good year - I will make this a good year! Nobody and nothing is going to stop me - I am surrounding myself with nothing but positive people and positive thoughts & am ready to take over the world. With everything going on right now..
I am still 2blessed 2b Stressed!


Miss.Stefanie said...

MY BFF! I AM SOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOU GRANDMA!! Thats how I felt with my niece....God is a miracle worker!

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