Thursday, June 18, 2009

debate; need your opinion plz ;)

okaayy - so my son [[Bryson]] wants to get his ears pierced for his birthday.. he will be turning 7 in a few weeks and this is all he wants for his birthday. now i have usually been against it and always told him no; but am starting to feel like he is getting older and if this is something he truly wants, why not; right??? back when i was his age, it wasn't really accepted too much for lil boys to have their ears pierced - but it seems now a days it is more and more common. i asked Brian his thoughts on this yesterday and he was very much against it and i couldn't really understand why ; cus he has his ears pierced, twice at that. lol so of course if he sees him w/ his ears pierced he wants it even more. He is worried about him not being able to properly clean them and them getting infected. My views on that are -- Bryson is a responsible kid, if he doesn't take the proper precautions to clean them correctly; he will have to deal with hurt infected ears.. not me. hah. now you know damn well if i had a girl and not a lil boy, nobody would have anything negative to say against it and would be all for it -- huh? lol

what are you views and thoughts on it? should i make him wait until he is old enuff to go do it himself... or go ahead and let him get it done for his birthday?? thx loves!!


AssertiveWit said...

You can have the same (or similar) conversation my dad had with us when we wanted to get another dog.

Explain his part he has to play in being responsible (read: cleaning his ears twice a day every day until they heal). Tell him if they get infected (due to him not cleaning them), the earrings come out and he can't get them pierced again until he can deal with the responsibility.

It's fair and it's teaching him some responsibility. Of course when my dad had the conversation with us about the dog, we decided it was too much to care about, hence why WE never had a dog and it was always "my dad's dog". LOL

Jillian said...

what's wrong with having one ear pierced? is that not the in thing anymore? i remember when guys use to only get one done....

i mean i'd let him have one and if he can take care of that one he can get the other one if there is an "issue" with it...

but like you said..if he really wants them he has to be responsible for them...and if he doesn't take care of them then well, they close up.

not so sure for me though i would let him at 7yrs old...but you are right if you had a girl her ears would have already been pierced...

Rai said...

I say wait until he's a little older. But at then end of the day it's your child.

If you're making him take care of it afterwards, he may forget to clean it & etc. Most people his age aren't going to remember that responsiblity. But if you're there to clean it for him, let him.

Dom Corleone said...

I'd say wait until he hits puberty, at least. 10-11 years old IMO.

Does he play sports? If he does then he can't have em in, so you have to factor that in.

My moms was strict LOL she didn't let me get my ears pierced til I moved out the house for college. How times have changed...

And Jillian, any guy that has just one earring is Elton John status.. Believe dat LOL

Miss.Stefanie said...

Okay I am so opposite it only because boys who have their ears pierced here in Cali run around like little thugs. Not saying Bry will, but they do here in L.A.

Personally, I wouldnt let him get it pierced. He's just a little boy and there is a HUGE difference on boys and girls having tier ears pierced. We do the little girls as babies to let people know hey I have a girl...its been society. But you know in all honestly times are changing and you have to do what YOU want to do as a parent.

So personally I'd say wait until he's 13. But then again, Im all for responsibility. So Im on he line about it :)

kukaberry said...

I think you should wait. 7 is still pretty young and piercings are so invasive. I would wait until he is at least 13. 18 is better. Simply because I wanted a lot of things when I was 7 - I wanted a lot of things when I was 16 - but I look back and wonder, "what ever was I thinking?" I had my ears pierced 3 times when I was in high school and now I don't like jewelry at all so I have let them all close up. So I say wait.

Milly said...

I would wait until he's a little older...I think 7 is a lil young but thats just me

Athena Christine said...

wait for that. 7 is too young, i'm sure Bry is responsible but it would be better if he waits.


7? He's a baby... I say tell him wait until he's 10 and ask him if he wants a watch or chain or something lol.

But no seriously if his ears get infected thats just more of you taking him back and forth to the docor depending on how serious the onfection is and his father is against it and deep down inside you are too.

I say if your going to help him with keeping his ears clean and onitor it sure but i still think 7 is kinda young

Ki said...

I think you should let him do it, he's getting older, and if he's responsible he should be able to take care of it; and if he doesn't, like you said he'll have to deal with them sore ears! I learned my lesson the hard way. =P

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